His work exalts all those virtues that we, as Americans, are taught to hold dear. 他的作品颂扬了所有那些身为美国人应该珍视的美德。
I swear on all I hold dear that I had nothing to do with this 我以身家性命担保,我和这件事无关。
We must hold dear and carry forward the ever-lasting Bandung spirit. 万隆精神是不朽的,值得我们倍加珍惜,发扬光大!
The C programming language is a fine language that many of us hold dear. C编程语言是一种很不错的编程语言,受到我们很多人的青睐。
I will explain how each action that we are taking will help build a framework that protects both the American people and the values that we hold dear. 我但愿声名,我们正在采纳的每一项步履若何有助于建设一个框架,既呵护美国人平易近,也呵护我们重视的价值不美观。
You can improve your diet without sacrificing everything you hold dear. 亲爱的,不牺牲你想吃的那些东西依然可以改善饮食。
These brave Americans are joined in death as they were in life& by a common commitment to their country, and the values that we hold dear. 这些英勇的美国人虽死犹生,体现了效忠祖国的共同决心,见证了捍卫我们珍视的价值观的共同意志。
I learned a lot growing up at home and in school, which had a big impact on shaping who I am and what values I hold dear. 我在家庭和学校的成长过程中学会了很多,对我的个人定形和价值观的形成造成了极大的影响。
Before it destroys everything you hold dear. 别让它毁了你拥有的一切。
We hold dear our families, friends and many other things, however, in my mind, I also think we should hold dear music which can be the forever friend and love. 我们珍惜我们的家人,朋友以及许多其他的东西,然而,在我看来,我也认为我们应该珍惜灰成为我们终生朋友与爱的音乐。
For the ideal that I hold dear to my heart, I'd not regret a thousand times to die. 对于理想,我珍惜我的心,我就不会后悔死一千倍。
These are the ideas we hold dear. 这些正是我们所珍视的信念。
All the memories I hold dear. 我拥有所有的记忆,亲爱的。
Honor and opportunity in life I hold dear; morality and principle I hold dearer. 我珍爱生活中的荣誉与机遇,但更珍视生活中的道义与原则。
A hard line must be taken against governments and terrorist groups that seek to undermine security, stability and the values that we hold dear. 对于那些破坏和平、稳定以及我们所坚守的价值观的国家和恐怖组织,我们必须采取强硬的态度。
The government is destroying every institution and value they hold dear. 政府正在破坏他们所珍视的一切制度和价值观念。
It is nearly impossible for some people to relearn something they hold dear. 让人们从过去的惨痛教训中重新学习几乎是不可能的。
By all that you hold dear on this good earth. 为了你们在世上所珍惜的一切。
This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West. 今天我们要浴血奋战,为了你们在世上所珍惜的一切,一定要奋战到底,西方的人类!
If your partner whines about everything you hold dear, the fire you felt will be extinguished faster than a pull of wind on a burning match. 如果你的另一半对你珍视的任何东西都都抱怨不停,你所体验到的你们之间的爱情火焰的消失程度就会比一阵强风吹灭燃烧着的火柴还快。
There are things which we hold very dear, and I think rightly hold very dear; 有些东西是我们甚为珍惜的,我想这种珍惜是对的;
And I've deeply hurt someone I hold very dear. 而且我已伤害了我非常心爱的人。
He whose senses are mastered like horses well under the charioteer's control, he who is purged of pride, free from passions, such a steadfast one even the gods envy ( hold dear). 谁能像马车夫驾驭马匹那样控制自己的感官,谁已涤尽骄傲、再无情欲;这样稳健的人,连神只都羡慕(欣赏)他。
But the more on-line connections vulnerable people make, the more they may neglect the connections they hold dear in real life. 但是感情脆弱的人建立的网上关系越多,他们就越忽视与现实生活中亲人的联系。
We will stand united for the values we hold dear, for the vision of progress we share, and for the country we love. 我们站在一起,为了我们坚持的价值观,为了我们共同的对进步的设想,以及为了我们所深爱的这个国家。
"We hold dear what our Declaration of Independence says, that all have got uninalienable rights, endowed by a Creator."-George W. 我们坚持我们的独立宣言,独立宣言说每个人都有造物主赋于的,并非不可剥夺的权利。
Even if you have never actually sat down and compiled a list of what is important to you, your actions in life are largely determined by the values you hold dear and important. 即使你不曾好好地坐下来,列出哪些事对你重要、哪些不重要,你的行为还是会被你的价值观、以及你认为重要的事所决定。
Love and best wish for merry Christmas and happy prosperous new year. May its ble ings lead into a wonderful year for you and all whom you hold dear. 祝圣诞快乐,新年幸福,万事如意。祝福你及你所爱的人新的一年中万事如意。
Rather than politics, war, or the desire for personal gain, I truly believe that music and the dreams we all hold dear are the forces that will unite the world. 相比政治、战争以及对个人所得的渴望,我认为音乐和梦想,这些我们每个人都拥有和珍视的东西,才是能把整个世界紧密联系的力量。